Dropping Babies From Rooftops = Health and Prosperity, Apparently
In New Delhi, activists lashed out at local officials who allowed hundreds of infants to be dropped from the roof of a mosque in the belief that the fall — which ends when the babies are caught in a bedsheet — would ensure good health and prosperity for their families. This bizarre and dangerous ritual has been practiced for nearly 700 years at a local Muslim shrine, with both Hindus and Muslims engaging in this nutty behavior. At a ritual on Thursday, infants were dangled from the roof of the shrine before being dropped about 50 feet onto a bedsheet held by parents and other believers. Fortunately there were no reports of injuries.
Former Police Chaplain Arrested For Sexual Assault
In St. Cloud, Minn., an 82-year-old former police chaplain was arrested for sexually assaulting a minor. Police say Pastor Arthur Ree, sexually
assaulted a female minor over an 18-month period from 2000 to 2001. Responding to the arrest, the Evangelical Lutheran Church, of which Ree was a member, released the following statement:
In St. Cloud, Minn., an 82-year-old former police chaplain was arrested for sexually assaulting a minor. Police say Pastor Arthur Ree, sexually

“The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Southwestern Minnesota Synod is shocked and deeply saddened by the arrest of art ree on charges of criminal sexual behavior involveing a female victim. Ree is a retired pastor of the ELCA. Charges of this nature are very serious and even more disturbing when they involve the life of the church. The Southwestern Minnesota Synod does not tolerate sexual exploitation or abuse in any way. Our synod and congregation are and should remain always safe places for all people. We offer prayers for the victim of the abuse and her family and friends. We also offer our prayers for Mr. Ree and his family. Situations like these bring deep pain and sadness to many people. Our comfort rests with God who is with us At all times we pray that God’s care, concern, healing and wisdom may be experienced by all who have been affected.”
This statement is much longer than it needs to be. "Offering" prayers and making throwaway statements about God's love ring very empty when an innocent child has been violated by a disgusting old pervert. Where was God's "care, concern, healing and wisdom" when Ree was having his filthy ways with his victim? I just can't believe the audacity of the religious mind sometimes.

Pastor Accused of Sexual Abuse
In Louisville, a pastor has been placed on leave after a man alleged that the priest sexually abused him in 1985. In quite an unprecedented move, The Record, a Catholic newspaper, listed Schook's previous parish assignments and asked that any alleged victims of abuse from those parishes contact the archdiocese. The Archdiocese of Louisville was at the center of a massive sexual abuse scandal in 2002 and 2003. Nearly $30 million was paid out in settlements by the archdiocese after more than 250 people made abuse allegations. More then three dozen priests and other church workers were accused of abusing children as far back as the late 1940s.

In St. Louis, a Catholic priest was arrested in an FBI sex sting targeting men who wanted to rent young girl for sex. According to the police, James Patrick Grady (r.), 57, showed up at the home of what he thought to be a 16-year-old girl, who he offered to pay for sex. On Wednesday, Grady had responded to an online ad offering young females and started exchanging emails with an undercover officer. Eventually, Grady asked the "girl" for a massage but was refused so he then inexplicably propositioned her for kissing and oral sex. (Perhaps he thought that would be less degrading for the girl.) After he was arrested, Grady said he came to the house because he was "curious". Where the hell is Chris Hansen when you need him?

And finally...Pantless Sex Cult Leader Jailed For Blasphemy
A kinky sex cult leader in Jakarta who performed sermons in his underwear was sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison for blasphemy against Islam. Agus Noro (l.) aka Agus Imam Solihin, meaning "leader of the faithful," would demand his Muslim followers to perform group sex in front of him and banned them from praying and fasting -- I'm gonna guess it was the latter two injunctions that got Noro into the real trouble. While prosecutors demanded a four year sentence for the pantless preacher, the judge cut him some slack because Noro withdrew an earlier statement where he claimed to be God. So at least he's not crazy.
Big Daddy Cane: Sex cult leader Agus Noro
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